Thursday, 10 November 2011

Raspberry Macaroons

I have fallen for yet another trend... the Macaroon trend.

I recently attended the MasterChef expo and was inspired by these trees (say what) of macaroons. I have also been to Adriano Zumbo's takeaway patisserie, skipping away like a little girl with my rainbow of delights. I then brought home and tested Donna Hay's macaroon kit. It was now time to put my macaroon skills to the test, from scratch. Can I make the perfect macaroon?

I had a heap of egg whites to use and raspberries sitting in the freezer. It was time and so I made a double batch:

  • to use up all the egg whites I had remaining from making cannelloni
  • to make certain I got the perfect circumference to match each macaroon
  • knowing that they would not last long amongst the mysterious sneaky snackers that live in my household

Here's the recipe:
3 egg whites
55g caster sugar
pink food colouring
240g icing sugar
120g ground almonds
1 tbs of sieved raspberries (push 6 defrosted raspberries through a strainer with the back of a teaspoon)
1 extra tbs of icing sugar
60ml thickened cream
150g white chocolate, chopped
1 tbs raspberry jam

  1. Line trays with baking paper
  2. Whisk eggs until soft peaks form, using cake mixer. Add caster sugar and food colouring. Fold in sifted icing sugar, ground almonds and raspberry purée.
  3. Spoon mixture into piping bag and attempt making perfect 4cm round macaroons. Ha! 
  4. Tap trays, sprinkle with extra icing sugar and let sit for 30 mins.
  5. Preheat oven to 150˚C
  6. Bake for 20 minutes. Cool on trays.
  7. Boil cream in saucepan, add chocolate, stir until smooth. Stir in jam and add colouring. Refrigerate until spreadable.
  8. Sandwich the macaroons and voila!

OK so they're not the perfect colour and finish that the professionals achieve but now may I excuse myself and say I quite like the shabby chic homemade look; sprinkled icing sugar, lace (? I'm trying to make my cooking look pretty) and raspberry condiment all help disguise the browned, lumpy outcome. But despite the non-perfect result, I confess these macaroons didn't last long on the plate. In fact, by the time I realised these macaroons were slightly blurred and dark in this picture, it was too late — all were scoffed and this pretty picture is all that remains. Yum!

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Lemon Slice

Lemon Slice is a family favourite, easy to make and requires no baking.

My friend asked for the recipe so I thought I'd share it – enjoy!

200g butter
1 tin of condensed milk (395g)
400g of arrowroot biscuits (nearly 2 pkts)
150g desiccated coconut
40ml fresh lemon juice

3 cups of pure icing sugar
50ml fresh lemon juice
extra desiccated coconut to sprinkle

Line 18cm x 28cm dish

Heat butter & condensed milk in saucepan over low heat, 
remove when smooth.
Using a food processor crush the biscuits, add coconut. 
Remove lid.

Back to the saucepan and stir in lemon juice to condensed milk mixture. It will curdle a little. 
Pour into food processor, and combine all ingredients. 
Allow a little texture.

Press mixture into lined dish. Focus on the corners first, and the rest will flatten.
Refrigerate while preparing icing.

Lemon Icing
Combine icing sugar (no need to sift) and lemon juice in saucepan over low heat. 
Stir until completely smooth.
Spread over slice and sprinkle with coconut. 
Refrigerate to set.

Store in fridge
